Fermented buckwheat bread

Fermented Buckwheat Bread

This recipe is by Bridget O'Donoghue.


  • 850 grams of organic raw buckwheat kernels
  • 250 gram of filtered water
  • 2 level teaspoons of pure sea salt


  1. Place the buckwheat in a large glass bowl and cover with filtered water. Soak for 6 hours or overnight, then rinse and drain thoroughly.
  2. Place the drained buckwheat into Thermomix (or high speed blender) bowl with the 250g water and 2 tspns of sea salt and, with the assistance of the spatula, blend on speed 7 / 40 secs or until you have a creamy batter.
  3. Pour the batter back into the glass bowl and cover with a plate. Place bowl somewhere very warm for 10 hours to ferment. If you have a dehydrator, set to 37 deg and allow to ferment overnight, otherwise leave in the sun for the day.
  4. Once fermented, carefully spoon mixture, so as not to break the airpockets, into a lined bread tin and bake for 50 mins at 180 deg.
  5. As you can see from my posts I ferment mine in a dehydrator. I ferment mine directly into the loaf pan. I do not cover the mixture.
  6. This bread is best eaten straight out of the oven or kept in the fridge and toasted.
  7. Serve with EveryMite and enjoy!
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